End-of-year gifts, goodies for a sales event or product launch, there are many opportunities for your company to offer a promotional gift. This initiative contributes significantly to the establishment and development of your brand image.

Develop the brand's reputation

Each brand must establish a well thought-out marketing strategy to create its image. This includes several elements, including the brand's history and values. Let's take the example of Kalvin Klein, who built his reputation on his commitment to ensuring that women can live freely in their bodies and clothing regardless of their silhouette. Advertising objects designed for your company must convey its ideologies. This gives it the opportunity to increase its credibility with its customers and new prospects. A personalised promotional item must not in any way promote the virtues of your products and services. Its purpose is to corroborate an image in line with the choice of its materials or approach. For example, the promotional gift you can imagine for your clothing brand can show your commitment to the environment. Remember to offer eco-responsible products: pens, notebook, bag... You can choose the design of a notebook for example, and make of it a customised gift for your customers. Check business.bookblock.com for more information about customisable notebooks. Your promotional item can be closely linked to your field of activity. For example, you sell sports equipment; offer your customers, employees and suppliers a personalized basketball, a sports bag with your slogan on it... And the possibilities are endless.

Improve your business strategies

Your company's business strategy determines its productivity. Convincing new customers requires creativity. This is the only way to stand out from the competition and attract the interest of your prospects. An original promotional item can be a good approach when you meet your potential customers. Let's recreate the scenario: You are a sales representative. You disembark and present your brand to the person behind the desk. You leave your business card and leave! If the card can end up in the trash, a gift is less likely to go the same way. By offering the prospect your promotional item, you not only manage to touch him and mark his spirit, but you also leave him an element that will remind him of your visit for a long time. If you want to convey an even more modern image, send an email with an augmented reality commercial. For unknown reasons, very few companies opt for this revolutionary strategy and prefer to settle for physical objects: a matter of habit perhaps! You can also put your product catalogue on a personalized USB key and offer it to your protagonist. This solution is a double win-win situation as you show an original image of your brand without wasting time.

Enhance your internal and external event tools

The organization of professional events is a fundamental part of your marketing strategy. In the case of a company seminar, there are meetings, team building activities, brainstorming... These professional practices probably have an impact on the company's productivity, but they also represent an internal and external communication tool. Then take the opportunity to create custom object templates to offer your teams, especially if it is a product launch or an important anniversary in the company's history. With a limited budget, go to the most classic items such as personalized pens, tote-bags, lighters, wallets... Let your imagination run wild if you have the money to allow yourself so much fantasy. Then choose Smartphone holders for use in the car, for example. A little more expensive than a pen, they nevertheless convey a modern and prosperous image of your business. But originality does not necessarily mean substantial budget! Sometimes it is enough to be creative and customize elements already integrated into your professional event. How about ordering delicacies with your logo on them? Your guests can be so seduced that they will keep these sweets and talk about them around them. In addition to internal communication, you also manage to reach your customers and prospects who have been invited to your congress. Then take care of the design and choose your colours carefully: they will be your most convincing representatives throughout the seminar and even after!

Increase sales

The success of your business depends on sales. The personalization of objects for advertising purposes can stimulate sales without even sending these gifts to customers. Your best ally to increase your turnover is the sales representative. It is not said enough, but it is thanks to him that the company thrives and evolves. Animations therefore appear to be one of the most relevant ways to encourage an employee to put in more effort. Then organize challenges for your sales representatives. Exceeding a sales threshold, they can obtain a gift that is specially designed for them. Do not terminate on the means. Statistics show that more than 86% of companies use business challenges to encourage their salespeople. The winner wins a connected product, a plaid or a mood lamp. For the most motivated, you can even bring high-tech objects as gifts.

Build customer loyalty

Some start-up companies invest a considerable amount of money to win new customers. However, it costs them up to 10 times more than it costs to retain an existing customer base. Loyalty therefore appears as a winning strategist who will give the company more profit with less expense. Let's not forget that even if a customer has already purchased your products or requested your services, this does not guarantee you a long-term collaboration. Gifts can be a good initiative to strengthen the links it has with your brand. By offering a personalized gift, you can:
  • Fill your customers and selected prospects
  • Build close relationships with your customers
  • Establish a relationship of trust to better understand your customers' needs
  • To convey the image of an essential brand
Good to know: The promotional gift is part of the company's marketing strategy. You will then have everything to gain by choosing a durable object that the customer will be able to keep for as long as possible. Despite the need for a strategic choice, the most important thing is to find an idea that will really please the customer! You will be surprised that sometimes the simplest examples of gifts are the most appreciated!