Are you planning to offer a gift to one or more customers? Several elements should be taken into account to make the right choice. But how do you find gift ideas? And where is it possible to buy them at the best price?

When and why offer a gift to its customers?

A business gift can bring added value for the company: to maintain customer loyalty, to thank them, to please them, to show them recognition, to encourage them to buy a product or service... It is also an action that helps to sustain business. In short, it is a formidable and inexpensive communication strategy. The Christmas and New Year holidays are the best time to offer a gift to your customers. Overlooking this tradition can have an impact on your sales. Instead of eliminating it overnight, it is better to reduce the budget.  However, you can also distribute it for other occasions: on the anniversary date of your company's creation, after obtaining a prize, when launching a new product or service, during a professional event (trade fair, etc.), many companies choose to offer personalized gifts like customised notebooks like those available at for example, or branded pens, or t-shirts… In any case, the gift must please the recipients. Thus, for an effective campaign, it is important to define a target and choose a personalized gift, in the image of the company. Currently, even connected objects and high-tech devices are customizable. Looking for a customer gift idea?

How much to plan for the purchase of a business gift?

If you don't know where to turn, visit the specialized sites. You will find lots of customer gifts for all budgets. Moreover, with items at low prices, you can save a lot of money at each event. Need help with customization? Customer advisors are at your disposal to guide you in your choices. In addition, several factors can influence the price, including the type of gift: goodies, high-tech devices, pen, notebooks... To avoid damaging your reputation, buy high-end products, more expensive to buy but robust and durable. Also consider customizing the present. The complexity of the work will indeed have an impact on the final cost. As far as quantity is concerned, the price is normally degressive. Thus, by ordering a large volume, you will benefit from a more advantageous rate In any case, this is no longer a secret: to find the best value for money, compare! Even at the same quality, there can be a more or less significant price difference! Online, you can compare offers without having to travel.

What type of business gift to offer?

First of all, you must base yourself on the tastes of your customers: a connected watch for a sportsman, a Bluetooth headset for a music lover, a gift certificate, a gadget... To surprise receivers for sure, you would have to study personalization. Choose a colour that matches the graphic design of your company and can highlight your logo or slogan. And if you have enough space, add a small but powerful message. In any case, avoid cluttering up the gift. The logo is generally sufficient to mark the minds of the receivers and those around them. Secondly, the gift must match the company's brand image for optimal impact. For a company that wants to reflect an environmentally friendly image, choose ecological gifts: ecological bag, ecological USB key, etc. On the other hand, a luxurious gift will send a prestigious image to the firm. To stand out from your competitors, prefer an original or even unusual object. It is also advisable to focus on good quality products that are able to last a long time and are useful in everyday life. This will ensure maximum exposure to the brand. Similarly, you must take into account the budget and your financial capabilities. Finally, to thank a major customer, put your heart into it to build loyalty and strengthen your relationships.