The concept of the pleasure of offering has won over the professional world, and the business community has taken up the challenge of giving a gift worthy of the name to its relations. A company expresses its interest in a customer, partner or collaborator by preparing a dedicated gift, hoping to create in the latter the joy of receiving, and the reminder of a good memory. And obviously, in this world that subjects us to sometimes unsustainable rhythms, taking a step back to appreciate a present can only do us the greatest good. Both the donor and the one who obtains can feel satisfaction when the wavelength matches. However, if these feelings are the expected hot reaction, the situation may eventually turn out to be more complicated. In order to eliminate any risk of error, each company must carry out an in-depth study and define numerous criteria to avoid falling into a bad choice. For if offering a gift seems to be intended to strengthen ties, it can, on the contrary, embody the factor that triggers a break-up.

The purpose of the gift

Giving a gift to your client is first of all a token of appreciation. By this simple and friendly gesture, a company shows a new customer that it appreciates the latter's choice to have selected it as a partner, and to have trusted it. To another long-time consumer, it expresses its gratitude for the loyalty and faith of this customer for its products or services. In addition, the fact of carrying out this practice also represents a message that society wants to convey, namely that of strengthening existing links. For a recent relationship following a successful deal, for example, a branded gift sent by a company to a partner will mean that the first one has appreciated the collaboration and wants to repeat the experience. Intended for another company that has been cooperating for several years, this offer will seal a lasting association for common professional interests. Finally, if the gift is placed as a sign of thanks, it also shows the will to always count the customer among his close relations in the future. Giving evidence of your attention to the consumers of your products can effectively ensure a continuation of the cordial agreement between the company and them.

The selection criteria

Before starting, it is important to define certain parameters to achieve the desired effect. The first criterion concerns the ethics of the company, and the image you are trying to convey. The product must correspond fairly to the size of your company, and not lead to an ambitious claim or self-deprecation. If your place on the professional market allows you to offer branded gifts, then don't be afraid to do so. This action will only increase your notoriety. On the other hand, forget this idea, if you have chosen simplicity and accuracy as a battle horse. In this case, you will find something that will transmit this corporate culture.

The conditions of execution

In addition, the principle also consists in giving a gift that corresponds to the expectations of those who will receive them. A preliminary study will have been necessary to discover exactly which gift is suitable for which client. The answers can be found in the different qualities of relationships maintained during a professional exercise or even during all the previous years of collaboration. This will highlight to each recipient the particular interest you have in them in relation to all the others. Finally, you must establish the budget for the gifts. It is obvious that you have the choice to make them to all your customers or only to some in particular. But the most important thing is to have the corresponding envelope, branded or not.

The elimination of potential risks

As mentioned above, the choice of a gift must be made according to each particular customer. If this little attention can bring you a bright future, the opposite can totally destroy your image and break your bridges to an entire community. Imagine for a moment that you have decided to offer all your friends and family a luxury box containing pork meats and a selection of top quality alcohols. If this trendy gift box makes some people happy, it will be like an insult to your Muslim partner, and you don't need to be psychic to predict the consequences in a case. Also, even in an act of innocent generosity, cap the value of the gift correctly. Even if you have the opportunity, be aware that offering more than reason, for better future collaboration, or as a result of a lucrative case, could be considered a risk of conflict of interest, or worse, corruption.