For a growing company, offering gifts to its customers not only builds loyalty among regular customers, but also attracts new customers. This is why more and more managers are trying to impress their customers by choosing authentic and original gifts. But it is crucial to make the right choice. Here are some tips to help you make the right decision.

Classic but trendy gifts

If you are looking for an original corporate gift idea that is both modern and refined, why not opt for gift boxes? You will find on the market a multitude of choices of practical and trendy boxes between leisure boxes, play boxes or activity boxes. In addition to being customizable according to your desires, these boxes also give you the opportunity to offer a top-of-the-range gift to your customers: stay abroad, rafting trip, and table in a gourmet restaurant... The choice is actually very wide since you can choose the gift you want. For companies that want to offer a flexible and rewarding gift while avoiding trivialization, the gift card can be a solution. Space-saving and elegant, the gift card can take the form of a personalized box containing a top-of-the-range gift of your choice (champagne bottle, high-tech gadget...). It is even possible for you to offer sports, recreational or aesthetic activities if you wish.

Choose practical or ecological gifts?

Most of the time, business leaders have difficulty finding an original corporate gift that is sure to please their customers because everyone's tastes are different. The solution is gift cards in the form of vouchers. Ideal for targeting middle managers and executives, these vouchers allow your customers to buy the product of their choice in one or more selected brands during a specific period. Can also be called multi-store cards, this gift idea is suitable for a limited budget, the legislation requires a maximum value of 250 € per card. In order to offer a powerful and promotional gift to your consumers, remember to personalize the card (scenario when sending, original case to contain it...) and especially to enhance your messages (ads, information, services and products offered...). Remember that it is above all a communication tool. If you want to improve the company's image, there are also so-called ecological gifts to consider. Designed and manufactured in an eco-responsible way, these authentic gifts offer many advantages, especially if they are adapted to your business sector and your budget is limited. Several choices of gifts are possible according to your needs: bracelets, medallions, tree to plant...

Useful and original gifts

High-tech gadgets are also a very interesting gift idea since, in addition to the variety of choices available to you; they are also very useful on a daily basis. At least you are sure to satisfy the beneficiary of the present as long as he can always use it in everyday life. Just like a goodie, a high-tech gift may seem trivial, but to increase your chances of achieving the campaign goal, choose an original design for the sending box and pay attention to the message to be conveyed. Among the most common technological gadgets are USB sticks, tablets and smartphones or various accessories (covers, digital photo frame...). On this point, you have a lot of choice, but the ideal is to choose a gift related to your sector of activity. Gourmet gifts are also a sure value since they are a versatile gift. Always well received by consumers, they make it possible to offer a quality and top-of-the-range gift. However, do not skimp on the personalisation of the box, as it guarantees customer satisfaction and amazement: write messages by hand, propose a well-elaborated invitation, and offer a historical company booklet... You have the choice between a well-packed gift and a personalised gift box. But in both cases, it is crucial to choose the right products: foie gras, bottle of wine or champagne, cheese, local product... Above all, do not forget that the originality and diversity of the products are crucial since you are not alone in choosing this idea.