To maintain quality business relationships and to thank their most loyal customers, many companies choose to offer personalized gifts. Ideal for promoting the company's values, the gift is a way to appeal to the emotional side and make a lasting impression. The choice of the gift is therefore to be carefully considered here. You can find some ideas to choose the personalized gift to offer to your customers at Christmas.

Why offer a personalized gift to your customers?

Gifts are mainly offered to maintain good business relations between the company and its customers. In a more indirect way, they contribute to a personalized communication action and serve to improve business/customer relations. Often offered for major events such as Christmas or New Year, they help to convey the company's image and must therefore correspond to the image it wishes to convey to the public. Here, the fact that the gift is personalized is a major asset for the company because it shows the attention the customer has received. Indeed, gifts that are not personalized could send a negative message, especially to those with whom the company has a special relationship. But offering a personalized gift is above all to stand out from your competitors and establish your reputation in the customer's mind.

What are the criteria for choosing a personalized gift for your customers?

A personalised gift must first mark the customer's spirit. It must be pleasing and able to bring a certain satisfaction to the person for whom it is intended. In this way, he will be able to display it without complex and will contribute to the company's communication with third parties. Here, it is therefore essential to know the customer, his field, his passions... Another important criterion is his value. A gift must be chosen according to the company's financial capabilities and the image the company wants to convey. It is not a question of offering gifts whose value would be higher than the company's means, it would be nonsense, nor of offering too luxurious gifts that do not correspond to the brand's image, for example. The volume of sales made to customers should also be considered when choosing gifts. Indeed, the value of the gift will depend on the importance of the customer for the company. Thus, customers with whom the company has made significant sales will be given special attention. The choice of gift will be proportional to the customer's level of commitment to the brand, as the value of the gift is not always representative in this case.

What personalized gifts for Christmas?

If there are many corporate gift ideas, for personalized gifts, there is no real answer. However, certain trends can help, especially if you want to pleasantly surprise. For example, intangible gifts such as a lunch or dinner could be considered. Unlike business lunches or dinners, this will be an opportunity to get to know the customer better and discuss with them, we will avoid discussing the subject of future orders unless they are the ones who take the initiative. If the client has a family, it is also possible to offer outings or stays for the whole family. In this field, stays in thalasso centres or weekends are currently very popular and particularly appreciated. These attentions have the merit of conveying the company's image to the client's close family; an important and often underestimated circle of influence. This type of gift also allows the company to break away from traditional gifts that are increasingly seen as pollutants and sources of waste - a business argument that will certainly hit the nail on the head with environmental advocates. For high-tech customers, connected objects are on the rise and gifts are no exception. They are often appreciated for their practicality. For example, there is a cup that can be connected to your computer and allows you to have a hot drink at any time or a connected key ring. Otherwise, for companies that want to highlight the "traditional celebration" side, we still have the great classics rather high-end; luggage, watches... and of course, the timeless Christmas, the traditional boxes of chocolates, wines and other champagnes...

Taxation and corporate gifts

In addition to contributing to a communication action, the corporate gift is of tax interest to the company. Indeed, it is possible for the company to recover VAT on gifts whose value is less than or equal to €65 including VAT. In addition, under certain conditions, it gives rise to a deduction from the company's income. Thus, its value must be reasonable in addition to the evidence that it is offered in the exclusive interest of the company. On this point of value, caution should be exercised because a gift of excessive value offered to a particular person following the award of a major contract may be considered a form of corruption.