If the old adage goes that clothing does not make the monk, it is undeniable that the first impression is always decisive. So, no matter where you have to go or what event you have to attend, the dress-code is an important element to consider. Whether you are a potential customer or a recruiter, it is undeniable that you will be judged on what you wear. In what follows, let's try to see which dress-code on a show?

Dress-code: a question of image

Trade shows are a must for dynamic companies that want to improve their visibility. As places to meet potential customers or suppliers, they allow you to expand your address book and your professional network. As such, participation in trade shows is of paramount importance, particularly in terms of the image conveyed to third parties. While some companies have their own policies at the dress-code level, others prefer to give all their employees freedom of choice. In any case, before choosing a defined dress-code for a salon, it is important to determine in advance the type of salon. This will make it possible to identify several factors such as the profile of expected visitors or that of other exhibitors. It will also be necessary to clearly identify what is being targeted. For example, is the objective to meet potential customers or rather to meet new partners? This preliminary step is necessary in order to adapt the outfit that will be worn by the employees who will participate in the show. Here, communication objectives play a key role in the final choice. The image with visitors is a crucial point for any company.

Dress-code: inspire trust

For third parties, the dress-code is of particular interest because it gives them an idea of the company. While this point of view is subjective, it is nonetheless very important. Thus, an outfit must be chosen carefully, taking into account all aspects of non-verbal communication, because a neat outfit undoubtedly inspires confidence. It obviously encourages the interlocutors to be more considerate and respectful. The main goal is to create a climate of trust, a real plus for the company's image. Because to have new customers or attract new partners, it is essential that there is mutual trust and the image contributes a lot to this, especially in the field of immediate visuals. It is also a way to attract attention and stand out from other exhibitors. A way to maintain this attention is enough to show the company's strengths or competitive advantages. In some cases, the dress-code is considered a powerful sales tool, even in hostile environments, because well-chosen outfits serve to show the seriousness and dynamism of a company.

How to make a successful dress-code for a trade show?

For a trade show, a successful outfit is the one that appeals to visitors. It should be highlighted and combined with classic, low-visibility accessories. Although style is a point that comes into play in the choice of dress-code, in this case it must be better chosen to obtain a harmonious whole. Remember that style also depends essentially on the nature of the company, the image it wants to give or its target audience. For example, while sober and elegant outfits are often associated with banks and other renowned financial institutions, for a start-up, it is common to want to display a more relaxed atmosphere, with a more dynamic image. In addition, beyond the style, the fashion touch is a very useful point for a successful outfit, especially from a visual point of view. It is a roundabout way of attracting attention and discreetly keeping the other person's attention.

How to dress in a career fair?

A point not to be forgotten: For those who are looking for a job or are in the process of retraining, job fairs are a must. As for a company, although there is no dress-code, your image is the first element that your interlocutors will see and remember through your outfit. Choose an elegant and sober look to inspire confidence but also not to shock. As far as possible, poorly cared for clothing and accessories that are too obvious and often considered to be in bad taste should be avoided. In addition, choose practical clothes that make you feel comfortable because in itself, a job interview is stressful enough. For the length, neither too short nor too tight, for these ladies and for you gentlemen, the casual business look is very appreciated, with or without tie, you have the choice. The whole thing is to choose a set in sober colours for a touch of assured elegance.