A good marketing strategy is essential to increase a company's turnover. To sell well, advertising is an important factor, which is why many brands choose promotional gifts. By distributing goodies, a company makes itself known and gains notoriety.

The different types of promotional gifts

The distribution of promotional gifts has undergone a major evolution in recent years. If pens and key chains used to be the goodies par excellence, today the choice is much wider. Indeed, manufacturers of promotional items currently offer great opportunities for customizable gifts to promote a company. There is something for everyone: textiles, USB sticks, flashlights, backpacks, personalized jewellery, mugs, umbrellas, plush toys, etc. As for the choice of the ideal goodies, everything depends on the company's preferences but especially on its target group. The first step is to determine the type of audience to target. One of the most important criteria concerns the utility and functionality of the promotional object. It is imperative that the latter is useful and can be used by the recipients to avoid ending up in the closet. To do this, a study of the target's profile and behaviour is necessary. You can see on this site different gift models and promotional items.

Marketing impacts of goodies distribution

A promotional campaign is often accompanied by the distribution of promotional gifts. For a company, this is the best way to attract attention and gain the trust of its prospects. By doing so, he makes his brand known, while creating a link with his potential customers. The advertising gift method is generally based on a win-win system, favourable in both directions. The consumer gets a gift, and in exchange, the distributor wins free advertising. The distribution of gifts has a major impact on the company's marketing policy. It can be said to work like a gear system. The unknown company offers goodies, the prospect receives it and becomes aware of the brand. The latter will then use the distributed object and become a potential customer. If he is satisfied, he will talk to his friends and family, who will then become prospects and customers. In the end, the company will gain more customers and increase its market share. If the process goes in the right direction, the company has a good chance of increasing its turnover. Otherwise, the advertisement will have no impact and the brand will remain unknown or of no interest. For this reason, it is important to think about developing your tactics and choosing an effective promotional item.

Promoting your business through promotional items: the guide

Advertising through the advertising object is one thing, but it is also necessary to know how and where to do it. Indeed, all these parameters are part of the marketing strategy and must be properly studied. To impact your target in an effective way, it is important to define a favourable location in advance. For example, if the target audience is mainly women, the best place for distribution is a shopping centre or a place dedicated to women. The same applies to the moment of distribution: the operation can be carried out during a seminar, a fair or a special event. Rewarding customer loyalty is also a method that can pay off. When purchasing a product, it is possible to offer an item as a bonus as a reward and thank you. This technique makes the customer feel privileged and encourages him to continue to consume at the distributor company. Finally, competitions are among the best opportunities to distribute promotional gifts. By organizing an event on social networks or at party, prospects will be more enthusiastic about buying products when there are prizes to be won.