No matter what time of year, receiving gifts is always everyone's pleasure. And precisely to please their employees or collaborators, some companies have adopted the practice of corporate gifts or CE gifts, during the holiday periods such as Christmas or for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, etc. Why spend on gifts for employees and collaborators? What are the benefits of this action? For answers, read this article.

The advantages of EC gifts

Employee motivation is one of the driving forces behind the development and advancement of a company's business. Indeed, well-motivated employees are much more productive. Giving them gifts is an effective way to boost their desire to give their best and their motivation. In addition, this simple and unique gesture will be perceived as a sign of consideration, respect and recognition on the part of the employer. They will feel appreciated as a person and they will also have the assurance of the appreciation of their work. This will only involve them more in society and strengthen their sense of belonging to it. This is positive for the company's life. A gift for employees is also a sign of gratitude for the work done. The works council is also an important entity within a company. This is why it is also necessary to provide works council gifts, especially if you have thought of offering them to other employees. We must not hurt anyone! Admittedly, it will require a fairly large budget, but rest assured, this investment will not be a loss. More importantly, giving EC gifts helps to build a bond between the management and its various employees.

Some ideas for EC gifts

Finding gift ideas for your employees is often a real headache for the management because on the one hand it is necessary that the gifts are interesting enough to please each employee and collaborators and on the other hand it is necessary to take into account the available budget and for the EC gift concept to be effective, it is imperative that all employees receive the same gifts. In this way no one will think that such and such happens to be the leader's favourite. This situation can destroy labour relations. In this case, it is necessary to imagine gifts that will satisfy both men and women. To get as many ideas as possible, it is advisable to ask the team leaders for their opinion. You can also opt for gift boxes. That's a very good idea for Christmas. It would also be an excellent idea to offer the company's products as employee gifts. If you are short of inspiration, to find CE gift ideas, you have the possibility to go to specialized sites where there are even works council gift catalogues. You will have a wide choice between traditional gifts such as textiles and the most original and personalized ones such as leather goods, high-tech etc. Finally, there is the voucher that has never failed to satisfy the recipient. In addition, this type of gift is among the most appreciated by business leaders. The advantage of the voucher is that it allows the beneficiaries to choose themselves the gifts that correspond to the value of their gift voucher: it is rare that there are dissatisfied people.

What the legislation on vouchers and gifts says

Every employer has the freedom to spoil his employees with gifts. However, they must coincide with a special and specific occasion: retirement, company anniversary, wedding, end of year celebrations; and their value must not be disproportionate to the Event. As far as the voucher is concerned, it has the advantage of not being exempt from social security contributions. There are still some rules to follow. All gift vouchers distributed annually to an employee must remain below 5% in order to benefit from the exemption from social security contributions. This law also applies to so-called traditional gifts. In this case, the threshold will be calculated from the value of the present offer.